When selecting a doctor, does gender matter? According to studies, patients of all genders do better under the care of female primary care physicians.
6 Signs You May Have A Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
An infection or disease carried from one individual to another via sexual activity is known as an STD or sexually transmitted disease. Most sexually
7 Tips To Help Keep Your Asthma Under Control
Asthma is a common disease that occurs both in children and adults. Asthma causes the contraction of airways that affects the lungs. This disease
What Are Asthma Symptoms And How Do You Manage Them?
Asthma symptoms are an early indication that something is amiss with your respiratory tract. These attacks can be terrifying, making it difficult to
A Quick Look At Asthma Management Guidelines
Asthma is a long-term breathing condition that affects almost 300 million people globally, including 25 million Americans. This equates to 1 in every
How To Recognize An Asthma Attack?
During an asthma attack, airways in the lungs become narrow because of inflammation and the tightening of muscles around the passageways. Sometimes
5 Ways To Avoid An Asthma Attack
Asthma is among the most common lifelong chronic diseases, affecting almost 25 million Americans. It affects the lungs, causing repeated episodes of
How Is Asthma Treated And Managed?
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with asthma recently? Don't worry. With proper treatment and care, this condition can be managed very well, and
How Do You Get Diagnosed With Asthma?
Are you wondering, how do you get diagnosed with asthma? Doctors consider the presenting symptoms, medical history, physical exam, and various test